Saturday, April 23, 2011

Many years ago, while a student at a large midwest university, I had a conversation with a dear friend lamenting feeling a bit lost and without direction. I had struggled the whole time I was there looking for a place to fit in. I simply said I wanted to find my niche. My place. My corner of the world. I searched for years. Sometimes I came close but mostly I always felt a bit lost. Until I moved into my new creative space. I cannot explain it but I finally felt at home. The light in the sunroom was magnificient and my artistic yearnings were bubbling just below the surface. I have finally found my niche.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

An accidental canvas

While playing with blending some acrylic colors, my canvas took on a life of its own. I like it. I don't know who or what will live there yet or what it will say, but for now it says "not all accidents are bad".